Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an alternative to US President Joe Biden?

As of now, it is yet to be confirmed whether President Biden will run for President once again. He most probably will, but lets wait to hear it from him. Irrespective of that, there are a few democrats who are gunning for a Democratic nomination for the 2024 elections. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is one of them. Kennedy Jr., is the son of former US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy. That’s an amazing pedigree, but I don’t support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Why don’t I?

RF Kennedy Jr is known for advocating anti-vaccine misinformation and public health-related conspiracy theories.

Since 2005, Kennedy Jr has promoted a link between vaccines and autism, something scientifically discredited. He is also the founder and chairman of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy emerged as a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in the United States and he attached Anthony Fauci. His own family members have spoken out against his anti-vaccine stance.

Need I say more? How the mighty have fallen!


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