Indian-origin Vivek Ramaswamy No 2 in the Republican race

Indian-American Vivek Ramaswamy, one of the contenders for a Republican nomination for the US presidential race, has surged ahead as one of the frontrunners in the Republican field. Ramaswamy is now tied with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the second place according to a new poll.

Is Ramaswamy a significant player? You bet. DeSantis has reportedly been advised to “defend Donald Trump” and “hammer Vivek Ramaswamy”.

Ramaswamy is a wealthy man. His immense personal wealth comes from a career as an investment banker and the biotech firm he founded. So, Ramaswamy can finance his campaign and is mostly likely to do so, without relying on donations.

Ramaswamy’s roots can be traced back to Palakkad in Kerala. My parents too have their roots in Kerala!

Elon Musk has endorsed Ramaswamy!

Do I support Ramaswamy? Not really.

What’s Ramaswamy’s plan to end the Ukraine war? Ramaswamy proposes a deal by which Russia will end its alliance with China. In exchange, NATO will not admit Ukraine. Ramaswamy is a critic of the US support to Ukraine feels the US objective should not be the defeat of Russia but the end of the Russia-China alliance. I’m for any deal which will end the horrible Russia-Ukraine war, but why shouldn’t Ukraine enter NATO if it wants to do so? Large parts of the Donbas, the eastern region of Ukraine comprising Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, are controlled by Russia. Ramaswamy would have the current lines frozen, which means, Russia will continue to occupy a large part of the Donbas. This too sounds very unfair to me. I understand that many people in the Donbas are Russian speakers and may support Russia, but still, why should the people of the Donbas be under Putin’s boots? Shouldn’t they have the right to decide, say through a referendum?

Ramaswamy has stated his beliefs very clearly (On X) and here they are, with my responses:

R: God is real
Me: Agree, but there should be space for agnostics and atheists. Each to his/her own.

R: There are two genders
Me: Dude, we’ve come a long way from this!

R: Human flourishing requires fossil fuels 
Me: I don’t think so. Climate change is real!

R: Reverse racism is racism 
Me: Yes, but the front gear racism is much more brutal and has caused so much more damage

R: An open border is no border
Me: If you are anti-immigrant, say so openly

R: Parents determine the education of their children
Me: Only if you are homeschooling! Else, the Board of Education decides.

R: The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
Me: Then why are you running for President? Please run your own family.

R: Capitalism lifts people out of poverty.
Me: Yes, it is better than communism, but it’s not perfect.

R: There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
Me: If you hate the fourth estate, say so openly

R: The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history
Me: I have great respect for the U.S. Constitution, but there are many other constitutions which make similar promises and leave a lot unimplemented.


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