The Dangers of Dumbbells

Should teenagers train with weights? I’ve come to realise that many folks think teenagers, especially girls, shouldn’t train with weights. And it’s no consolation to have found that even my parents felt the need to regale me with ballads of the irreversible damage weightlifting apparently inflicted on teens

Fortunately, it’s been sorted. My parents have been re-educated and the gym supervisor has been “brought” around. 

It panned out like this. I started using my dad’s dumbbells around six months ago and then, after we moved house three months ago, began to frequent the gym inside our new apartment complex. My dad and mom kept reiterating that lifting weights might not be a good idea, since I was get to ‘grow up’ fully and my muscles might not develop fully they way they should. I ignored them. Then the gym instructor started telling me and my dad quite loudly that I shouldn’t lift weights and should restrict myself to the treadmill.

It was all very annoying. Thankfully, my parents did some research (read: googling) and couldn’t find anything to support their unfounded fears. Also, they found a ton of literature to say that there is nothing wrong in teenagers lifting weights. The final clincher was when one of my mom’s good friends, a dentist, told her to stop being silly. 

I think my dad had a word with the gym supervisor who then stopped his homilies. I continue with my gymming and am enjoying every moment of it.


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