Termes scientifiques en Français

As someone who studied French in high school and as a wanna-be computer scientist, I’ve been fascinated by how science terms and phrases translate into French. For starters: Math is “les mathématiques” – feminine and plural too Physics is “la physique” – feminine, singular Chemistry is “la chimie” – feminine, singular Biology is “la biologie” – feminine, singular Botany – “la botanique” – feminine, singular Zoology – “la zoologie” – feminine, singular Physics terms, when translated into French, have a beauty of their own. La chaleur - Heat La force - Force L’accélération - Acceleration La gravité/le pesanteur - Gravity La température - Temperature Radiation électromagnétique - Electromagnetic radiation Le magnétisme - Magnetism Le champ magnétique - Magnetic field La loi de Faraday - Faraday’s law Le courant continu - DC power La physique nucléaire - Nuclear physics La fission - Fission La physique appliquée - Applied physics La physique moléculaire - Molecular physics La science natu...