Where Is The Snow?
Climate change and global warming are very high up on my ‘worry list’ and I found this CNN report about European ski resorts closing because there's no snow, highly distressing. It looks like climate change on account of global warming is on an irreversible course. This year, Europe is having a very mild winter and ski resorts closing down is just one of its impacts. To make things worse, a new study says that up to half of the world’s glaciers could disappear even if ambitious climate targets are hit.
We know that we are running out of time and so, what can we
do to fight this looming catastrophe? Individual personal sacrifices like using
public transport or not using plastic bags will help, but I feel the need of
the hour is for big policy changes like:
- switching to nuclear energy en masse – yes, I feel the cleanliness of nuclear fuel outweighs the risk posed by a leak;
- banning the manufacture of single use plastic bags and other plastic products – yes, ban the manufacture, but don’t ban the use of plastic bag already manufactured – make people use them again and again instead of discarding them;
- hiking the tax payable by owners of motor vehicles the way they have done it in Singapore; and
- reduce the world's population without causing any serious gender imbalance.
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