Delhi’s Pollution Woes
That New Delhi is the most polluted capital in the world is well-known. Delhi is much more polluted than Beijing ever was. In the middle of November, Delhi’s air quality index (AQI) was around 1,700. At the worst point of Beijing’s pollution crisis, the highest the AQI reached was 1,300. The maximum AQI deemed healthy by the World Health Organization is 50. The toxic smog engulfing Delhi was visible from space as satellite images captured the Indian national capital’s “severe” air pollution crisis continuing for two consecutive days . Schools had to shut down . The Indian government cannot deal with this issue the way the Chinese government did. Closing down factories en masse and stopping other pollution causing activities with a single diktak isn’t easy in democratic India. Also, the state government of Delhi is constantly at loggerheads with the Indian federal government and co-operation and coordination between Centre and State is something that is definitely missing. Each blam...